



Thousands and hundreds of people worldwide meditate daily on their own and with friends and families, which brings them happiness and joy. And many of them have been doing it for years and decades. The positive impacts on their lives and wonderful experiences which comes from Kirtan Meditation became the indispensable and most important part of their life.

The communities create regular large retreats, local Kirtan Meditation classes, public and in their own home, inviting everyone regularly worldwide. Once you have it, once you are fulfilled with all that comes from the real Meditation experience, you naturally want to share it with others.

Join us to have the experience of meditating together, to dive into the transcendent sounds of Mantras that can make us happy if we let them into our hearts.

We desire to be peacemakers and encourage everyone to be a peacemaker. We want peace in the world and believe it can only be achieved if there is peace in our hearts and genuine compassion for all living beings.

We believe we are all one family; we are all souls, bright sparks wanting happiness. We think that nationality, religion, race, gender, age, and wealth should not become factors that divide us, that put some above others, or the happiness and comfort of some more important than the safety of others. Even if we have different views of the world and different upbringings, this should not be a reason for cruelty and disrespect between us.

Since each of us is a spiritual spark, we are soul and spiritual by nature, and to be happy, we need a spiritual experience, spiritual happiness. We cannot be completely satisfied with material things.

Meditation upon the transcendental sound of Mantras is a deep reservoir of all-satisfying waters that allows you to experience inner peace and spiritual happiness. The more you drink from this reservoir, the more your heart will be filled with spiritual love and comfort.

Sometimes it is frightening to realize how much power and weapons are in the hands of people we know very little about and do not know what to expect from them. Are their actions really aimed at serving others, or maybe their own ambitions? We can’t change others, but we can start with ourselves, and that will certainly lead to changes in the whole world.

People of all ages and cultural backgrounds enjoy Kirtan.

Kirtan transcends all languages, nationalities, and religious faiths.

Anyone can practice Kirtan. You can be 5 or 95, physically fit or unfit. You may be a practitioner of yoga asanas, or you may be disabled and in a wheelchair. It does not matter if you are a scholar or illiterate, single or married, man or woman. Kirtan is as universal as a beautiful sunrise.


We need your


When we experience benefits from Kirtan, kindness and compassion awaken. This leads us to desire to share this experience with others.  We are all volunteers, and we always appreciate any help.

You can support us by sharing our events on social media, helping us organize kirtans by inviting us to your local area or donate.

Contact us here or make donations.

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